sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2017

Be present. / Sê presente.

This summer I began to think of all the "broken promises," the friendships that were forgotten by sheer carelessness and the loves that out of fear didn't happen.
We think of this season, and we design plans to fulfill: from extreme sports to pajama parties with long-time friends and even cheap but remarkable trips. And of this three ... none of them is achieved.
Is it because of lack of money? Time? Or maybe commitment?
We live in an age as digital as our ideas, which are just that... plain ideas. Ideas that live in the mental webs, of "I can do" and "make it happen" but ... we are the spider itself, who can not catch them and be filled with them, that by creating so many threads ended up trapped in the web itself.
We live to think that long-term or short-term friendships have time. But don't. We deal with people as if they were infinite, but they are ephemeral. Like our existence.
By lack of courage and filled with fear, we preclude the possibility of happening. We are so connected to the doubts, the "what if", "but", "I do not know if" ... that we are disconnected from the possibilities.
Connect to this summer as if it was your last, as if your whole existence depended on it, as if yesterday's friendships ended today if, you didn't talk to friends who you do not see months, years, days?
Inspire yourself, let yourself be inspired by colors, flavors, moments, hugs, kisses and connect. Use mobile phones to meet those who may even be far away, but are always missed! Invite friends to meet friends, meet, get out, have fun! It is not lack of time, it is lack of commitment, and this we can change before it is too late.

Este verão comecei a pensar em todas as "promessas quebradas", as amizades que se esqueceram por puro descuido e os amores que por medo não aconteceram.
Pensamos nesta estação, e idealizamos planos para cumprir, desde desportos radicais a festas de pijama com amigos de longa data e ainda viagens baratas mas marcantes. E deste três... nenhum se realiza.
Será por falta de dinheiro, tempo? Ou talvez compromisso?
Vivemos numa era tão digital como as nossas ideias, que não passam de ideias. Ideias que vivem nas teias mentais, de "eu consigo fazer" e "fazer com que aconteça" mas...somos a própria aranha, que não consegue apanha-las e encher-se com elas, que por tantos fios criar acabou presa na própria teia.
Vivemos a pensar que as amizades de longa ou curta data têm tempo. Mas não têm. Lidamos com pessoas como se fossem infinitas, mas são momentâneas. Como a nossa existência.
Que por falta de coragem, e enchidos com medo, impossibilitamos o possível de acontecer. Ficamos tão ligados às dúvidas, aos "E se", "mas", "Não sei se"... que nos desligamos das possibilidades.
Liguem-se a este verão como se fosse o último, como se toda a vossa existência dependesse dele, como se as amizades de ontem terminassem hoje se vocês não falassem com amigos que não vêem à meses, anos, dias?
Inspirem-se e inspirem outros, deixem-se envolver por cores, sabores, momentos, abraços, beijos e liguem, usem os telemóveis para se encontrarem com aqueles que até podem estar longe, mas que nunca deixam de fazer falta! Convidem amigos para conhecer amigos, conheçam, saiam, divirtam-se! Não é falta de tempo é falta de compromisso, e isso podemos mudar antes que seja tarde de mais.

sábado, 3 de junho de 2017

Poem: Lucinda

Before you read the poem...

I never knew my grandma, because she passed away before I was born.
A month a ago, I was in the train station with my sister to go to college and we were buying our tickets as we do every other sunday. Our grandpa showed up at the station(surprising us).
Our train delayed so, happily, we talked with him for an hour. He told us so many stories, a few repeated, and other new. We always love talking with him.
Once he finished telling a story about our grandma, my sister asked:"Would you be able to fall in love with someone new?"
My grandpa answered:"If i died today, ressurected tomorrow, with her alive on earth. She would always be the one i would choose".
He inspired me, with all the stories and the way he talked about her, to write this poem. And well her name... was Lucinda.


I never knew you but he did
Strong, mean but lovable... for him you were his trouble
There is no double

From the first day he said
'Angel, she was the first love I will ever have'

Even if the skies were grey that day
The white hair, (oh) so pure and crystal
Is the proof he loved the life you both shared

Lucinda, will always be the name
The name that no other compares
Grandma I hope you knew
Grandpa loved you, you made him new

Now there is something I understand
One thing I will always know
Even if the skies fall upon us
Love is all...
All we can not measure
And it is life's greater treasure.